Our Grind & Shine workshops put a shine on everyone’s faces

Concrete Trowel

Visitors enjoyed lessons with the latest concrete trowel technology

Last week we arranged two one-day ‘Grinding & Shine’ workshops for contractors who wished to learn more about the latest Grind & Shine techniques and in particular for those who were keen to try out the latest Ride On Concrete Trowel technology for themselves. Before the event we have to admit that we were a little uncertain how many people and companies would be interested in attending them. Not that we needed to be worried. Both Grind & Shine workshops were exceptionally well attended and we were delighted to welcome visitors from all parts of the UK and even people who had traveled from different European countries in order to catch up on what’s new and to try out the latest concrete trowel innovations for themselves.

The first part of each day was taken up with in-depth presentations, during which our experts went into great detail as they carefully discussed all the most recent developments in concrete finishing techniques.

Then it was time for practical demonstrations that highlighted just how concrete trowel technology has moved on in recent years. The two impressive machines we featured were the JWN24HTCSL 36-inch Ride On Power Trowel and the HHXDFS5 46-inch Ride On Power trowel. We think it is fair to say that everyone who attended either of the one-day Grind & Shine sessions was mightily impressed by what they saw.

After a relaxing lunch that allowed everyone to mingle and discuss what they had seen and learned, we gave everyone that opportunity to try out the concrete finishing machines for themselves. We have to say that for most people this was the most enjoyable and educational part of the Grind & Shine workshops because they were able to discover just how simple – and effective – these Ride On Power Trowel machines really were and they quickly appreciated how much of a benefit they could bring to their own businesses in terms of productivity… and profitability.

Concrete Trowel

Following the two one-day Grind & Shine workshops we received lots of messages thanking us for the effort and enthusiasm we put into the events. We even saw some very complimentary tweets from several others, including Amodeo Ltd, the Cardiff based concrete flooring contractors: 

Excellent demo and training day @MultiquipUK today

Thank you to everyone who attended our Grind & Shine workshops and if you missed them, don’t worry, there will be more events soon.  

For any other information on our concrete trowel and other concrete finishing products, including demonstrations please do not hesitate to contact us. You can call us on 0161 339 2223, you can also email us at: sales@multiquip.co.uk or you can get in touch by using the online form that can be found on our Contact page.concrete trowel

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